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👩🏽‍💼 M U J E R tenías que ser… 💪🏼

Foto del escritor: Autoescuela MaestriaAutoescuela Maestria

Más del 50% de las mujeres en espalda ha recibido comentarios sexistas mientras conduce un vehículo.

Los datos demuestran que las mujeres respetan más las normas de circulación y tienen una menor siniestralidad vial que los hombres. Prueba de ello es que reciben menos sanciones que ellos y que, según datos de la DGT, por cada mujer fallecida en siniestro vial pierden la vida tres/cuatro hombres. Si esto es así, ¿por que en la sociedad se mantiene la idea de que las mujeres son malas conductoras y siguen recibiendo comentarios sexistas?

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David Joe
David Joe
17 de jul. de 2024

I recently invested in a genuine leather jacket, and it's hands down the best addition to my wardrobe! The quality of the leather is outstanding—soft, supple, and with a rich texture that looks even better with time. This jacket not only leon kennedy coat incredible durability but also a timeless style that can be paired with almost anything


veej nas
veej nas
10 de jul. de 2024

Academic writing is considered a troublesome task for students. Many students face problems with writing the academic project due to a lack of knowledge and expertise. Along with assigning the topic, university professors provide a set of instructions that need to be followed in academic projects. Most students often fear about academic grades when it comes to academic writing. To overcome the pressure of study and fear of grades, students can turn to Assignment Help Singapore services. Many professional writing services offer a wide variety of support in handling the complex project. The experts follow the right approach to handle the project quickly and efficiently. They provide access to credible sources for conducting research and the right approach to compile…


Luciana Jones
Luciana Jones
14 de jun. de 2024

Online classes refer to courses in history that are offered through online education platforms. These courses can cover a wide range of historical topics and can be taken by students from all over the world. Online education has become increasingly popular in recent years, and online history classes are no exception. Online history classes covers courses in history that are taught over the internet through online medium. These courses may include pre-recorded lectures, interactive discussion forums, virtual office hours, and online exams. carefully to catch any homophone errors.

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